What We Treat

Mountain Valley specializes in treating the range of disorders that fall under the umbrella of anxiety. As scary and disabling as anxiety can be, the good news is that it is one of the most treatable of mental health disorders and Mountain Valley is an established leader in anxiety treatment for young people. The term “clinical anxiety” refers to a constellation of related disorders which may manifest singly or in combination. Mountain Valley has experience treating all these disorders, which include:
We also treat comorbidities that may accompany anxiety such as:
- Depression
- Somatization Disorders (Conversion Disorders)
When an anxious young person is experiencing other issues (comorbidities) whose nature or severity might significantly impede primary anxiety treatment, we may deny admission and/or require successful treatment at another facility prior to admission. Examples include serious substance use disorders, severe depression–especially with suicidal features, oppositional or defiant patterns, thought disorders, and active psychosis. Success at Mountain Valley also depends upon a resident having some level of motivation for personal change and the intellectual capacity to gain and apply therapeutic insights.
Questions? Get in Touch
Please contact our admissions team if you have a question about your child’s or client’s appropriateness for Mountain Valley.