Mountain Valley Treatment Center Announces Plan to Operate on Two Campuses

Mountain Valley Treatment Center is pleased to announce that in order to support our growth and serve even more adolescents, and their families, who suffer from debilitating anxiety and OCD, we will continue to operate on our current campus in Pike, NH and, at the same time, open our recently acquired campus in Plainfield, NH – near Hanover and Dartmouth College.
While Mountain Valley’s original plan was to move our entire operation from our longtime campus in Pike, NH to the former Home Hill Inn in Plainfield, NH, the significant increase in interest by referral sources and families since our inception in 2011 has justified adding an additional facility. Operating on two distinct campuses will allow Mountain Valley to continue to be an attractive employment option, offering unique and specific CBT training and certification for residential program staff as well as increased professional development for clinical staff. Demographics of the resident population will not change, yet having two campuses may allow for a specific sub-set of our current resident profile at each location. This growth enables Mountain Valley to continue its mission and help even more adolescents, and their families, as well as provide additional employment opportunities within the communities we are located.
We will be operational on the Plainfield campus in January 2018. The recruitment of both residential and clinical staff has been ongoing, and experienced, qualified professionals are being hired for immediate training. Most important to our business growth strategy is ensuring our ability to realize our vision and mission. Helping more parents and their children with debilitating anxiety and OCD is paramount.
We have many to thank for Mountain Valley’s ongoing growth and development. Nearly 500 adolescents have successfully completed treatment since we opened in 2011, and we look forward to serving even more families in the years ahead. Should you have any questions, please contact Don Vardell, Executive Director at